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Love Observed

Writer: Simon TemplarSimon Templar

I give my love to you,

and in the wave form of you receiving it,

I see not just a woman, but someone I want to breathe,

not just the dream of your being,

but you, all of you,

Inner, outer,

the place between the spaces

Between us, time is not

folding into the soft edges of AM conversations,

where light bends through thousands of manmade miles,

where silence carries more weight than words,

where presence is power

You laugh, and I feel it settle inside me.

You whisper, and the world dissolves.

You tell me you cannot imagine a life without me,

and I believe you,

because in this moment, it is not a promise,

but a truth that exists beyond the eternal

Love is never ours to make.

It is not a thing we chase, nor something to possess.

It is my atoms entangled inside yours

Creating a space beyond physics for us

Endured by a voice that lingers long after it is gone.

Something beyond my vocabulary

An alien language I cannot express

A transcendental alive only in the now

I have seen love slip through hands

that held too tightly,

watched it vanish under the weight of expectation.

But you—

you ask for nothing but what already exists,

and so you have all of me,

not in the future, not in what could be,

but now. Right here. Now.

A now greater than the sum of time

Observed and unobserved

Like an infinite cat

All at once and none at all

True love in the now

A now with no infinite world lines

A forever love

Like no other

like you

Like now



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